

Two documents with concurrent edits can be synchronized by just two message exchanges.

Below is an example of synchronization between two documents:

const docA = new LoroDoc();
const docB = new LoroDoc();
const listA: LoroList = docA.getList("list");
listA.insert(0, "A");
listA.insert(1, "B");
listA.insert(2, "C");
// B import the ops from A
const data: Uint8Array = docA.export({ mode: "update" });
// The data can be sent to B through the network
  list: ["A", "B", "C"],
const listB: LoroList = docB.getList("list");
listB.delete(1, 1);
// `doc.export({mode: "update", from: version})` can encode all the ops from the version to the latest version
// `version` is the version vector of another document
const missingOps = docB.export({
  mode: "update",
  from: docA.oplogVersion(),
  list: ["A", "C"],

Real-time Collaboration

Due to CRDT properties, document consistency is guaranteed when peers receive the same updates, regardless of order or duplicates.

Sync Strategies

  1. First Sync (Initial synchronization between peers):

    • New peers can exchange their Version Vectors to determine missing updates
    • Use doc.export({ mode: "update", from: versionVector }) to get updates since the peer's last known state. You may as well send the whole history by doc.export({ mode: "update" }) as shown in the example above.
    • Example shows basic first sync scenario
  2. Realtime Sync (Continuous updates):

    • Subscribe to local updates
    • Broadcast updates directly to all other peers
    • No need for version comparison after initial sync
    • As long as updates reach all peers, consistency is maintained


Here's how two peers can establish realtime sync when one comes online with offline changes:

  1. Both peers exchange their version information
  2. Each peer shares their missing updates:
    • doc2 gets updates it's missing from doc1
    • doc1 gets updates it's missing from doc2
  3. Both peers establish realtime sync to stay connected
const doc1 = new LoroDoc();
doc1.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello");
// Peer2 joins the network
const doc2 = new LoroDoc();
// ... doc2 may import its local snapshot
// 1. Exchange version information
const peer2Version = doc2.oplogVersion();
const peer1Version = doc1.oplogVersion();
// 2. Request missing updates from existing peers
const missingOps = doc1.export({ 
  mode: "update",
  from: peer2Version 
const missingOps2 = doc2.export({
  mode: "update",
  from: peer1Version,
// 3. Establish realtime sync
doc2.subscribeLocalUpdates((update) => {
  // websocket.send(update);
doc1.subscribeLocalUpdates((update) => {
  // websocket.send(update);
// Now both peers are in sync and can collaborate