Loro, created by Zixuan Chen (opens in a new tab) and Leon Zhao (opens in a new tab) in 2022, has the vision of empowering local-first software and simplifying the creation of collaborative applications.
- Zixuan Chen, zx@loro.dev
- Leon Zhao, lz@loro.dev
- Diamond-types (opens in a new tab): The ingenious OT-like merging algorithm from @josephg (opens in a new tab) has been adapted to reduce the computation and space usage of CRDTs.
- Automerge (opens in a new tab): Their use of columnar encoding for CRDTs has informed our strategies for efficient data encoding.
- Yjs (opens in a new tab): We have incorporated a similar algorithm for effectively merging collaborative editing operations, thanks to their pioneering contributions.
- Matthew Weidner (opens in a new tab): His work on the Fugue (opens in a new tab) algorithm has been invaluable, enhancing our text editing capabilities.