When Not to Rely on CRDTs

When Not to Rely on CRDTs

If there are no concurrent operations, CRDTs and other solutions don't differ much. In handling concurrent editing, CRDTs use predefined algorithms to ensure strong eventual consistency (i.e., if multiple people receive the same set of Ops, they will see the same content). Furthermore, some CRDT algorithms make the merge results as close to user expectations as possible.

However, its problems include:

  • Difficulty in maintaining user-defined invariants. For instance, in a meeting room reservation scenario, a room can only be booked once. But if CRDTs represent the reservation status, multiple people booking the same room simultaneously may all see a successful operation, but in reality, only one person will have the reservation after synchronization. Thus, other systems are needed to maintain these invariants.
  • Automatic merged results of concurrent edits may violate the schema. For example, automatically merged code edits may not comply with the code's syntax structure, requiring human intervention to adjust. The requirement that a <figure> can only contain one <caption> might also be violated in concurrent editing (two people inserting a new <caption> concurrently). For such scenarios, this issue can be ignored, or <caption> can be represented differently (changing <caption> from a List element to a Register on a separate Map can prevent this problem).

CRDTs alone may not solve all problems in these scenarios. If maintaining these invariants is crucial for your application, you might need to combine CRDTs with centralized solutions for synchronization. Alternatively, you can implement an additional layer on top of the CRDT that derives a view conforming to the correct schema or maintaining the required invariants, using the CRDT state as the source of truth. This approach can ensure consistency across clients, but its suitability depends on your specific use case and user expectations.

When merging edits from a peer that has been offline for a long time, extensive changes may result in an automatically merged state that doesn't meet expectations. If your application cannot tolerate such merge results, you shouldn't rely solely on CRDT's automatic merging. Instead, detect these situations of long-term concurrent edits and provide a diff view to users, allowing them to resolve conflicts manually. Fortunately, Loro's internal architecture supports implementing such manual conflict resolution logic.