Loro Document

Getting Started with LoroDoc

LoroDoc is the main entry point for almost all Loro functionality. It serves as a container manager and coordinator that provides:

  1. Container Management: Create and manage different types of CRDT containers (Text, List, Map, Tree, MovableList)
  2. Version Control: Track document history, checkout versions, and manage branches
  3. Event System: Subscribe to changes at both document and container levels
  4. Import/Export: Save and load documents/updates in various formats

Basic Usage

First, let's create a new LoroDoc instance:

import { LoroDoc } from "loro-crdt";
// Create a new document with a random peer ID
const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Or set a specific peer ID
// Create containers
const text = doc.getText("text");
const list = doc.getList("list");
const map = doc.getMap("map");
const tree = doc.getTree("tree");
const movableList = doc.getMovableList("tasks");

To model a document with the following format:

  "meta": {
    "title": "Document Title",
    "createdBy": "Author"
  "content": "Article",
  "comments": [
      "user": "userId",
      "comment": "comment"
const doc = new LoroDoc();
const meta = doc.getMap("meta");
meta.set("title", "Document Title");
meta.set("createdBy", "Author");
doc.getText("content").insert(0, "Article");
const comments = doc.getList("comments");
const comment1 = comments.insertContainer(0, new LoroMap());
comment1.set("user", "userId");
comment1.set("comment", "comment");

Container Types

LoroDoc supports several container types:

  1. Text - For rich text editing
  2. List - For ordered collections
  3. Map - For key-value pairs
  4. Tree - For hierarchical data structures
  5. MovableList - For lists with movable items

Let's look at how to use each type:

Text Container

const doc = new LoroDoc();
const text = doc.getText("text");
text.insert(0, "Hello");
text.insert(5, " World!");
console.log(text.toString()); // "Hello World!"
// Rich text support
  bold: { expand: "after" },
  link: { expand: "none" }
text.mark({ start: 0, end: 5 }, "bold", true);

List Container

const doc = new LoroDoc();
const list = doc.getList("list");
list.insert(0, "first");
list.insert(1, "second");
console.log(list.toArray()); // ["first", "second"]
// Nested containers
const nestedText = list.insertContainer(2, new LoroText());
nestedText.insert(0, "nested text");

Map Container

const doc = new LoroDoc();
const map = doc.getMap("map");
map.set("name", "John");
map.set("age", 30);
console.log(map.get("name")); // "John"
// Nested containers
const userText = map.setContainer("bio", new LoroText());
userText.insert(0, "Software Engineer");

Tree Container

const doc = new LoroDoc();
const tree = doc.getTree("tree");
const root = tree.createNode();"name", "Root");
const child1 = root.createNode();"name", "Child 1");
const child2 = root.createNode();"name", "Child 2");

MovableList Container

const doc = new LoroDoc();
const movableList = doc.getMovableList("tasks");
movableList.insert(0, "Task 1");
movableList.insert(1, "Task 2");
movableList.move(0, 1); // Move Task 1 after Task 2

Collaboration Features

LoroDoc can be used for real-time collaboration. Here's how to sync changes between peers:

// First peer
const doc1 = new LoroDoc();
const text1 = doc1.getText("text");
// Second peer
const doc2 = new LoroDoc();
const text2 = doc2.getText("text");
// Set up two-way sync
doc1.subscribeLocalUpdates((updates) => {
doc2.subscribeLocalUpdates((updates) => {
// Now changes in doc1 will be reflected in doc2 and vice versa
text1.insert(0, "Hello");
await Promise.resolve(); // await for the event to be emitted
text2.insert(5, " World!");

Undo/Redo Support

Loro provides built-in undo/redo functionality:

import { UndoManager, LoroDoc } from "loro-crdt";
const doc = new LoroDoc();
const undoManager = new UndoManager(doc, {
  maxUndoSteps: 100,
  mergeInterval: 1000
const text = doc.getText("text");
// Make some changes
text.insert(0, "Hello");
// Undo the changes
if (undoManager.canUndo()) {
// Redo the changes
if (undoManager.canRedo()) {

Exporting and Importing

You can save and load the document state:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Export the document
const snapshot = doc.export({ mode: "snapshot" });
// Create a new document from the snapshot
const newDoc = LoroDoc.fromSnapshot(snapshot);
const doc2 = new LoroDoc();
// Or import into an existing document

Shallow Import/Export

Shallow import/export is a feature that allows you to create and share document snapshots without including the complete history. This is particularly useful for:

  1. Reducing the size of exported data
  2. Sharing the document with others without revealing the complete history
  3. Speedup the import/export process

Here's how to use shallow export:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Export a shallow snapshot that only include the history since `doc.oplogFrontiers()` 
// It works like `git clone --depth=1`, where the exported data only contain the most recent ops.
const shallowSnapshot = doc.export({ 
  mode: "shallow-snapshot", 
  frontiers: doc.oplogFrontiers() 
// Check if a document is shallow
const isShallow = doc.isShallow();
// Get the version since which the history is available
const sinceVersion = doc.shallowSinceVV();
// Or get it in frontiers format
const sinceFrontiers = doc.shallowSinceFrontiers();

Note: A shallow document only contains history after a certain version point. Operations before the shallow start point are not included, but the document remains fully functional for collaboration.

Event Subscription

Subscribe to changes in the document:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
doc.subscribe((event) => {
  console.log("Document changed:", event);
const text = doc.getText("text");
// Container-specific subscription
text.subscribe((event) => {
  console.log("Text changed:", event);

Event Emission

Events in LoroDoc are emitted only after a transaction is committed, and importantly, the events are emitted after a microtask. This means you need to await a microtask if you want to handle the events immediately after a commit.

  1. Explicitly calling doc.commit():
const doc = new LoroDoc();
const text = doc.getText("text");
// Subscribe to changes
doc.subscribe((event) => {
  console.log("Change event:", event);
text.insert(0, "Hello"); // No event emitted yet
doc.commit(); // Event will be emitted after a microtask
// If you need to wait for the event:
await Promise.resolve(); // Now the event has been emitted
  1. Implicitly through certain operations:
const doc = new LoroDoc();
const text = doc.getText("text");
// These operations trigger implicit commits:
doc.export({ mode: "snapshot" }); // Implicit commit
doc.import(someData);            // Implicit commit
doc.checkout(someVersion);       // Implicit commit

You can also specify additional information when committing:

  origin: "user-edit",      // Mark the event source
  message: "Add greeting",  // Like a git commit message
  timestamp:     // Custom timestamp
await Promise.resolve();    // Wait for event if needed

Note: Multiple operations before a commit are batched into a single event. This helps reduce event overhead and provides atomic changes. The event will still be emitted after a microtask, regardless of whether the commit was explicit or implicit.

Version Control and History

LoroDoc provides powerful version control features that allow you to track and manage document history:

Version Representation

Loro uses two ways to represent versions:

  1. Version Vector: A map from peer ID to counter
const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Get current version vector
const vv = doc.version();
// Get oplog version vector (latest known version)
const oplogVv = doc.oplogVersion();
  1. Frontiers: A list of operation IDs that represent the latest operations from each peer. This is compacter than version vector. In most of the cases, it only has 1 element.
const doc = new LoroDoc();
doc.getMap("map").set("text", "Hello");
// Get current frontiers
const frontiers = doc.frontiers();
// Get oplog frontiers (latest known version)
const oplogFrontiers = doc.oplogFrontiers(); // { "0": 0 }

Checkout and Time Travel

You can navigate through document history using checkout:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Save current version
const frontiers = doc.frontiers();
const text = doc.getText("text");
// Make some changes
text.insert(0, "Hello World!");
// Checkout to previous version
// Return to latest version
// or

Note: After checkout, the document enters "detached" mode. In this mode:

  • The document is not editable by default
  • Import operations are recorded but not applied to the document state
  • You need to call attach() or checkoutToLatest() to go back to the latest version and make it editable again

Detached Mode

The document enters "detached" mode after a checkout operation or when explicitly calling doc.detach(). In detached mode, the document state is not synchronized with the latest version in the OpLog.

const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Check if document is in detached mode
console.log(doc.isDetached()); // false
// Explicitly detach the document
console.log(doc.isDetached()); // true
// Return to attached mode
console.log(doc.isDetached()); // false

By default, editing is disabled in detached mode. However, you can enable it:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Enable editing in detached mode
console.log(doc.isDetachedEditingEnabled()); // true

Key Behaviors in Detached Mode

  1. Import Operations

    • Operations imported via doc.import() are recorded in the OpLog
    • These operations are not applied to the document state until checkout
const oldDoc = new LoroDoc();
oldDoc.getMap("map").set("name", "John");
const updates = oldDoc.export({ mode: "update" });
const doc = new LoroDoc();
// In detached mode
doc.import(updates); // Updates are stored but not applied
doc.checkoutToLatest(); // Now updates are applied
  1. Version Management
    • Each checkout uses a different PeerID to prevent conflicts
    • The document maintains two version states:
const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Current state version
const stateVersion = doc.version();
// Latest known version in OpLog
const latestVersion = doc.oplogVersion();
  1. Forking
    • You can create a new document at a specific version:
const doc = new LoroDoc();
doc.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello");
// Fork at current frontiers
const forkedDoc = doc.fork();
// Or fork at specific frontiers
const forkedAtVersion = doc.forkAt([{ peer: "0", counter: 1 }]);
console.log(forkedAtVersion.getText("text").toString()); // "He"

Common Use Cases

  1. Time Travel and History Review
const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Save current version
const frontiers = doc.frontiers();
// Make changes
text.insert(0, "New content");
// Review previous version
// Return to latest version
  1. Branching
const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Enable detached editing
// Create a branch
const branch = doc.fork();
// Make changes in branch
const branchText = branch.getText("text");
branchText.insert(0, "Branch changes");

Subscription and Sync

Local Updates Subscription

Subscribe to local changes for syncing between peers:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Subscribe to local updates
const unsubscribe = doc.subscribeLocalUpdates((updates) => {
  // Send updates to other peers
// Later, unsubscribe when needed

Document Events

Subscribe to all document changes. The event may be triggered by local operations, importing updates, or switching to another version.

const doc = new LoroDoc();
doc.subscribe((event: LoroEventBatch) => {
  console.log("Event triggered by:",; // "local" | "import" | "checkout"
  console.log("Event origin:", event.origin);
  for (const e of {
    console.log("Target container:",;
    console.log("Path:", e.path);
    console.log("Changes:", e.diff);

Container-specific Events

Subscribe to changes in specific containers:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
const text = doc.getText("text");
text.subscribe((event: LoroEventBatch) => {
  // Handle text-specific changes
  console.log("Text changed:", event);
const list = doc.getList("list");
list.subscribe((event: LoroEventBatch) => {
  // Handle list-specific changes
  console.log("List changed:", event);

Advanced Features

Cursor Support

Loro provides stable cursor position tracking that remains valid across concurrent edits:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
const text = doc.getText("text");
text.insert(0, "123");
// Get cursor at position with side (-1, 0, or 1)
const cursor = text.getCursor(0, 0);
if (cursor) {
  // Get current cursor position
  const pos = doc.getCursorPos(cursor);
  console.log(pos.offset); // Current position
  console.log(pos.side);   // Cursor side
  // Cursor position updates automatically with concurrent edits
  text.insert(0, "abc");
  const newPos = doc.getCursorPos(cursor);
  console.log(newPos.offset); // Position updated

Change Tracking

Track and analyze document changes:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
doc.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello");
// Get number of changes and operations
console.log(doc.changeCount());  // Number of changes
console.log(doc.opCount());      // Number of operations
// Get all changes
const changes = doc.getAllChanges();
for (const [peer, peerChanges] of changes.entries()) {
  for (const change of peerChanges) {
    console.log("Change:", {
      peer: change.peer,
      counter: change.counter,
      lamport: change.lamport,
      timestamp: change.timestamp,
      message: change.message
// Get specific change
const changeId = { peer: "1", counter: 0 };
const change = doc.getChangeAt(changeId);
// Get operations in a change
const ops = doc.getOpsInChange(changeId);
// Track change ancestors
doc.travelChangeAncestors([changeId], (change) => {
  console.log("Ancestor change:", change);
  return true; // continue traversal
// Get modified containers in a change
const modifiedContainers = doc.getChangedContainersIn(changeId, 1);

Advanced Import/Export

Loro supports various import and export modes:

// Export modes
const doc = new LoroDoc();
const previousVersion = doc.version();
doc.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello");
const snapshot = doc.export({ mode: "snapshot" });
const updates = doc.export({ mode: "update", from: previousVersion });
const shallowSnapshot = doc.export({ 
  mode: "shallow-snapshot", 
  frontiers: doc.oplogFrontiers() 
const rangeUpdates = doc.export({
  mode: "updates-in-range",
  spans: [{ id: { peer: "1", counter: 0 }, len: 10 }]
// Import with status tracking
const status = doc.import(updates);
console.log("Successfully imported:", status.success);
console.log("Pending imports:", status.pending);
// Batch import
const status2 = doc.importBatch([snapshot, updates]);
// Import JSON updates
const jsonStatus = doc.importJsonUpdates({
  schema_version: 1,
  start_version: new Map([["1", 0]]),
  peers: ["1"],
  changes: []

Path and Value Access

Access document content through paths:

const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Get value or container by path
const value = doc.getByPath("map/key");
const container = doc.getByPath("list");
// Get path to a container
const path = doc.getPathToContainer("cid:root-list:List");
// JSONPath support
const results = doc.JSONPath("$.list[*]");
// Get shallow values (container IDs instead of resolved values)
const shallowDoc = doc.getShallowValue();
console.log(shallowDoc); // { list: 'cid:root-list:List', ... }
// Custom JSON serialization
const json = doc.toJsonWithReplacer((key, value) => {
  if (value instanceof LoroText) {
    return value.toDelta();
  return value;

Debug and Metadata

Access debug information and metadata:

import { setDebug, LoroDoc, decodeImportBlobMeta } from "loro-crdt";
const doc = new LoroDoc();
// Enable debug info
const blob = doc.export({ mode: "update" });
// Get import blob metadata
const metadata = decodeImportBlobMeta(blob, true);
  startTimestamp: metadata.startTimestamp,
  endTimestamp: metadata.endTimestamp,
  mode: metadata.mode,
  changeNum: metadata.changeNum