Loro 1.0

Loro 1.0

2024-10-23 by Zixuan ChenLiang Zhao
Cover image

Illustration generated by Doubao AI

Loro is a Conflict-free Replicated Data Type (CRDT) (opens in a new tab) library that developers can use to implement real-time collaboration and version control in their applications. You can use Loro to create local-first software (opens in a new tab). Loro 1.0 has a stable data format, excellent performance, and rich features. You can use it in Rust, JS (via WASM), and Swift.

What is CRDT? What is it used for?

Distributed states are now ubiquitous in multi-user collaborative applications and applications that need multi-device synchronization. You need to ensure consistency across devices. CRDTs provide a decentralized way to automatically solve this problem.

CRDTs automatically resolve conflicts and ensure the consistency of the data. Some CRDT algorithms provide extra properties for merge results, which should align with user expectations as much as possible.

CRDT provides a decentralized way to solve this problem. The decentralization here not only means that it can synchronize through P2P methods, but it also means:

  • It allows applications to naturally support offline editing
  • It allows users to store and implement two-way synchronization of data in multiple different locations
  • It makes it easier for the backend to implement horizontal scaling
  • It can easily support end-to-end encryption

CRDTs were once considered unable to be used in serious and complex scenarios, such as rich text, but optimizations in recent years have greatly expanded its application scenarios, making it a practical and easy-to-use technology.

Based on CRDT, we can create applications that allow users to fully control data ownership. These applications can be like Git-managed repositories, not relying on specific software service providers. Users can switch between GitHub, GitLab, self-hosted Git servers, and the data is always available locally. This is the vision of local-first software (opens in a new tab).

CRDTs often also provides a simpler and easier-to-use sync method, because for Op-based CRDTs like Loro, as long as the sets of CRDT operations received by two peers are consistent, the CRDT document states of these two peers are consistent. You don't have to worry about idempotency, the order of operation application, and network exception handling. For Loro's CRDT document, just two rounds of data exchange can transmit the missing operations between two documents to achieve final consistency:

You can find all the code samples in this blog here (opens in a new tab)

import { LoroDoc, VersionVector } from "npm:loro-crdt@1.0.0-beta.3";
const docA = new LoroDoc();
const docB = new LoroDoc();
docA.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello!");
docB.getText("text").insert(0, "Hi!");
const versionA: Uint8Array = docA.version().encode();
const versionB: Uint8Array = docB.version().encode();
// Exchange versionA and versionB Info
const bytesA: Uint8Array = docA.export({
    mode: "update",
    from: VersionVector.decode(versionB),
const bytesB: Uint8Array = docB.export({
    mode: "update",
    from: VersionVector.decode(versionA),
// Exchange bytesA and bytesB
console.log(docA.getText("text").toString()); // Hello!Hi!
console.log(docB.getText("text").toString()); // Hello!Hi!

A minimum of one round of data exchange can ensure consistency

import { LoroDoc } from "npm:loro-crdt@1.0.0-beta.2";
const docA = new LoroDoc();
const docB = new LoroDoc();
docA.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello!");
docB.getText("text").insert(0, "Hi!");
// Exchange versionA and versionB Info
const bytesA: Uint8Array = docA.export({
    mode: "update",
const bytesB: Uint8Array = docB.export({
    mode: "update",
// Exchange bytesA and bytesB
console.log(docA.getText("text").toString()); // Hello!Hi!
console.log(docB.getText("text").toString()); // Hello!Hi!

Features of Loro 1.0

High-performance CRDTs

High-performance, general-purpose CRDTs can significantly reduce data synchronization complexity and are crucial for local-first development.

However, large CRDT documents may face challenges with loading speed and memory consumption, especially when dealing with those with extensive editing histories. Loro 1.0 addresses this challenge through a new storage format, achieving a 10x improvement in loading speed. In benchmarks using Loro with real-world editing data, we've reduced the loading time for a document with millions of operations from 16ms to 1ms. When utilizing the shallow snapshot format (discussed later), the time can be further reduced to 0.37ms. As a result, Loro will not become a bottleneck for applications dealing with such large documents. It expands the potential use cases for CRDTs, making them viable for a wider range of applications.

Rich CRDT types

Loro now supports rich text CRDT similar to Peritext (opens in a new tab), which enhances the merge result of rich text (text with formatting and styling) to better align with user expectations. Our text/list CRDT is based on the Fugue (opens in a new tab) algorithm. It prevents interleaving issues when merging concurrent edits. For example, it can avoid unintended merges like "1H2i3" when "123" and "Hi" are inserted concurrently.

We also support:

  • Movable List: Supports set, insert, delete, and move operations. The algorithm ensures that after merging concurrent moves, each element occupies only one position.
  • Map: Similar to a JavaScript object.
  • Movable Tree (opens in a new tab): Used to model file directories, outliners, and other hierarchical structures that may need moving. It ensures no cyclic dependencies exist in the tree after merging concurrent move operations.

Loro also supports nesting between types, so you can model edits on JSON documents through them:

You can find all the code samples in this blog here (opens in a new tab)

import {
} from "npm:loro-crdt@1.0.0-beta.2";
// Create a JSON structure of
interface JsonStructure {
  users: LoroList<
      name: string;
      age: number;
  notes: LoroList<LoroText>;
const doc = new LoroDoc<JsonStructure>();
const users = doc.getList("users");
const user = users.insertContainer(0, new LoroMap());
user.set("name", "Alice");
user.set("age", 20);
const notes = doc.getList("notes");
const firstNote = notes.insertContainer(0, new LoroText());
firstNote.insert(0, "Hello, world!");
// { users: [ { age: 20, name: "Alice" } ], notes: [ "Hello, world!" ] }

Version control

Like Git, Loro saves a complete directed acyclic graph (DAG) of edit history. In Loro, the DAG is used to represent the dependencies between edits, similar to how Git represents commit history.

Loro supports primitives that allow users to switch between different versions, fork new branches, edit on new branches, and merge branches.

Based on this operation primitive, applications can build various Git-like capabilities:

  • You can merge multiple versions without needing to manually resolve conflicts
  • You can rebase/squash updates from the current branch to the target branch (WIP)
import { LoroDoc } from "npm:loro-crdt@1.0.0-beta.2";
const doc = new LoroDoc();
doc.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello, world!");
doc.checkout([{ peer: "0", counter: 1 }]);
console.log(doc.getText("text").toString()); // "He"
doc.checkout([{ peer: "0", counter: 5 }]);
console.log(doc.getText("text").toString()); // "Hello,"
console.log(doc.getText("text").toString()); // "Hello, world!"
// Simulate a concurrent edit
doc.checkout([{ peer: "0", counter: 5 }]);
doc.getText("text").insert(6, " Alice!");
// ┌───────────────┐     ┌───────────────┐
// │    Hello,     │◀─┬──│     world!    │
// └───────────────┘  │  └───────────────┘
//                    │
//                    │  ┌───────────────┐
//                    └──│     Alice!    │
//                       └───────────────┘
console.log(doc.getText("text").toString()); // "Hello, world! Alice!"

You can also use doc.fork() to create a separate doc at the current version. It is independent of the current doc, and works like a fork:

import { LoroDoc } from "npm:loro-crdt@1.0.0-beta.4";
const doc = new LoroDoc();
doc.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello, world!");
doc.checkout([{ peer: "0", counter: 5 }]);
const newDoc = doc.fork();
newDoc.getText("text").insert(6, " Alice!");
// ┌───────────────┐     ┌───────────────┐
// │    Hello,     │◀─┬──│     world!    │
// └───────────────┘  │  └───────────────┘
//                    │
//                    │  ┌───────────────┐
//                    └──│     Alice!    │
//                       └───────────────┘
doc.import(newDoc.export({ mode: "update" }));
console.log(doc.getText("text").toString()); // "Hello, world! Alice!"

Leveraging the potential of the Eg-walker (opens in a new tab)

Event Graph Walker (Eg-walker) is a pioneering collaboration algorithm that combines the strengths of Operational Transformation (OT) and CRDT, two widely used algorithms for real-time collaboration.

While OT is centralized and CRDT is decentralized, OT traditionally had an advantage in terms of lower document overhead. CRDTs initially had higher overhead, but recent optimizations have significantly reduced this gap, making CRDTs increasingly competitive. Eg-walker leverages the best aspects of both approaches.

Not only have we use the idea of Eg-walker for Text and List CRDTs in Loro, but Loro's overall architecture has also been greatly inspired by Eg-walker. As a result, Loro closely resembles Eg-walker in terms of algorithmic properties.

The Eg-walker paper (opens in a new tab) was released in September 2023. Prior to its official publication, Joseph Gentle shared an initial version of the algorithm in the Diamond-Type repository. Excited by the design, I implemented a similar algorithm in Loro two years ago. A brief introduction to this algorithm can be found here (opens in a new tab).

The properties of Eg-walker includes:

  • It itself conforms to the definition of CRDT, so it has the strong eventual consistency property of CRDT, thus can be used in distributed environments
  • Fast local operation speed: compared to previous CRDTs, it processes operations extremely fast because it doesn't need to generate corresponding Operations based on CRDT data structures
  • Fast merging of remote operations: The complexity of OT merging remote operations is O(n^2), while Eg-walker, like mainstream CRDTs, is O(nlogn), only reaching O(n^2) in extremely rare worst-case scenarios. This means that when the number of concurrent operations reaches 10,000, OT will start to show noticeable lag to users, while CRDTs can handle it easily. And in most real-world scenario benchmarks, it's faster than other CRDTs.
  • Lower memory usage: Because it doesn't need to persistently store CRDT structures in memory, its memory usage is lower than general CRDTs
  • Faster import speed: CRDT documents often take a long time to load because they need to parse the corresponding CRDT structures or operations to build the CRDT data structures. Without these structures, they cannot continue subsequent editing, resulting in long import times. Eg-walker, like OT algorithms, only needs the current document state and does not need to build these additional structures to allow users to start editing the document directly, thus achieving much faster import speed

In the past quarter, we have made significant architectural adjustments to allow Loro to further leverage the advantages of the Eg-walker algorithm. Here are our achievements

Shallow Snapshot

By default, Loro stores the complete editing history of the document like Git, because the Eg-walker algorithm needs to load edits that are parallel to them and to the least common ancestor when merging remote edits (opens in a new tab). Shallow Snapshot is like Git's Shallow Clone, which can remove old historical operations that users don't need, greatly reducing document size and improving document import and export speed. This allows you to cold store document history that is too old and mainly use shallow doc for collaboration. Here's an example usage:

import { LoroDoc } from "npm:loro-crdt@1.0.0-beta.2";
const doc = new LoroDoc();
for (let i = 0; i < 10_000; i++) {
    doc.getText("text").insert(0, "Hello, world!");
const snapshotBytes = doc.export({ mode: "snapshot" });
const shallowSnapshotBytes = doc.export({
    mode: "shallow-snapshot",
    frontiers: doc.frontiers(),
console.log(snapshotBytes.length); // 5421
console.log(shallowSnapshotBytes.length); // 869

For details on the implementation principle, see Shallow Snapshot.

Optimized Document Format

Loro version 1.0 has achieved a 10x to 100x improvement in document import speed compared to version 0.16, which already has a fast import speed. It makes it possible to load a large text document with several million operations in under a frame time.

This is because we introduced a new snapshot format. When a LoroDoc is initialized through this snapshot format, we don't parse the corresponding document state and historical information until the user actually needs that information.

In Loro 1.0's snapshot format, without compression algorithms, its document size is twice that of the old version (and other mainstream CRDTs). This additional size mainly comes from encoding historical operations + document state in the 1.0 snapshot format, without reusing stored data between the two, while in the old version we used the order of historical operations to encode the current state of the document (the old version's encoding learned from Automerge encoding's Value Column (opens in a new tab)).

Trading twice the document size for ten times the import speed is worthwhile because import speed affects the performance of many aspects, and the import speed of CRDT documents is often noticeable to users on large documents (opens in a new tab) (> 16ms). It also leaves possibilities for more optimizations in the future.

Inspired by the design of Key-Value Databases, we have also divided the storage of document state and history into blocks, with each block roughly 4KB in size, so that when users really need a piece of history, we only need to decompress and read this 4KB of content, without parsing the entire document. This has led to a qualitative improvement in import speed, and because the serialization format can better compress history and state, memory usage is also lower than before.

The lazy loading optimization takes advantage of Eg-walker's property that "it doesn't need to keep the complete CRDT data structure in memory at all times, and only needs to access historical operations when parallel edits occur".

How we implemented lazy loading

In Loro 1.0, we implemented a simple LSM (Log-structured merge-tree) (opens in a new tab) engine internally. LSM is a data structure often used to implement Key-Value Databases, and Loro 1.0 is heavily inspired by its design. Currently, Loro's storage implementation uses get, set, and range operations of Key-Value Database as primitives. For example, Loro stores history as a series of ChangeBlocks, with each ChangeBlock serialized to about 4KB. Each ChangeBlock uses its first Op Id as the Key, and the serialized binary data of the ChangeBlock as the Value, stored in the internal LSM engine.

In our simple LSM Engine implementation, each Block is compressed during serialization, and decompression only occurs when the corresponding Value is actually retrieved. This allows the import speed of the new data format to be up to a hundred times faster than before, with even lower memory usage. So in Loro 1.0:

  1. Data integrity is checked during import
  2. Loro internally stores history (History/OpLog) and state (DocState) in blocks, loading the corresponding blocks as needed
  3. The Eg-walker algorithm that Loro is based on allows documents to start editing without complete CRDTs meta information, thus easily working with lazy loading behavior

Why is lazy loading valuable? Because in many use cases, we don't need to fully load the document's history and state:

  • For example, when we receive a set of remote updates, but the Loro document data is still in the database, and we want to know the latest state of the document, we need to load the LoroDoc snapshot from the database, then import the remote update set, and then get the latest document state. At this point, most of the historical information won't be accessed.

  • Sometimes in data synchronization scenarios, peer A needs to send historical data that peer B doesn't have. It needs to import the snapshot and then extract the historical information that B doesn't have. In this case, the document's state doesn't need to be parsed, and the unused part of the history doesn't need to be parsed either.

  • Users don't need document history when initializing a document; only parsing the State is necessary at this point

    When merging remote operations, only the modified containers and some of the related historical operations need to be visited

    When merging remote operations, only the modified containers and some of the related historical operations need to be visited

What happens during import and export in the new version? Let's take a common scenario as an example:

In real-time collaboration sessions or local storage, we recommend developers first store the operations from users, and then periodically perform compaction. This compaction involves importing the old snapshot and all scattered updates into the same LoroDoc, then exporting uniformly through the Snapshot format. In the new version, this will involve the following:

  • First, the old version of the snapshot is imported
  • The received updates may contain parallel edits, so a part of the related parallel edit history from the old version needs to be loaded to construct the CRDT and complete the diff calculation
    • Loro internally loads and parses the data of the corresponding block to get the corresponding history; at this point, complete document parsing does not occur
  • After the diff calculation is complete, it needs to be applied to the corresponding States
    • Loro will internally load and parse the corresponding state, and at this point, complete document parsing does not occur either
  • Export
    • Unaffected history blocks or state blocks are exported as they are
    • Affected blocks will be serialized to overwrite the original block, then exported
    • During export, we use a method similar to SSTable internally for the final export

The only data that needs to be parsed in this entire process are:

  • Meta information for each stored block
  • Blocks that need to be read will be decompressed
  • History Blocks / state Blocks that will be affected by Updates


All benchmarks results below were performed on a MacBook Pro M1 2020

Below is a comparison of Snapshot import and export speeds between Loro versions 1.0.0-beta.1 and 0.16.12. The benchmark is based on document editing history from the real world. Thanks to latch.bio (opens in a new tab) for sharing the document data. The benchmark code is available here (opens in a new tab). The document contains 1,659,541 operations.

In Loro, a Snapshot stores the document history along with its current state. The Shallow Snapshot format, similar to Git's Shallow Clone, can exclude history. In the benchmark below, the Shallow Snapshot has a depth=1 (only the most recent operation history is retained, other historical operations are removed)

taskOld Snapshot Format on 0.16.12New Snapshot FormatShallow Snapshot Format
Import17.3ms +- 0.0298ms1.15ms +- 0.0101ms (15x)375µs +- 8.47µs (47x)
Import+GetAllValues17.4ms +- 0.0437ms1.19ms +- 0.0122ms (14.5x)375µs +- 1.60µs (46x)
Import+GetAllValues+Edit17.5ms +- 0.0263ms1.21ms +- 0.0120ms (14.5x)375µs +- 1.40µs (46.5x)
Import+GetAllValues+Edit+Export32.4ms +- 0.0560ms5.46ms +- 0.0772ms (6x)844µs +- 5.12µs (38.5x)

Here are the key points of this benchmark:

  • The Shallow Snapshot has a depth of 1, meaning it only contains the document state and a single historical operation, which is why it's significantly faster
  • GetAllValue refers to calling doc.get_deep_value() (in JS, it's doc.toJSON() ). It loads the complete state of the document and obtains the corresponding JSON-like structure. This represents the time spent on CRDT parsing before a user loads a document.
  • Edit refers to making a local modification. As you can see, it has little impact on the time taken because Loro doesn't need to load the complete CRDT data structure for local operations.
  • Export refers to exporting the complete document data again. We expect to further reduce the time spent here in the future, as we can continue to reuse the encoding of unmodified Blocks from the import.

The following shows the performance on a document after applying the editing history from the Automerge Paper (opens in a new tab) 100 times. You can reproduce the results here (opens in a new tab). The document contains:

  • 18,231,500 single-character insertion operations
  • 7,746,300 single-character deletion operations
  • 25,977,800 operations totally
  • 10,485,200 characters in the final document
Snapshot TypeSize (bytes)
Old snapshot27,347,374
New snapshot23,433,380
Shallow Snapshot4,388,215
  • The New snapshot data is smaller because it performs additional simple compression on each Block during encoding internally
taskOld SnapshotNew SnapshotShallow Snapshot
Parse538ms +- 3.23ms17.9ms +- 48.5µs (30x)14.4ms +- 114µs (37x)
Parse+ToString568ms +- 1.78ms20.2ms +- 57.2µs (28x)16.8ms +- 81.4µs (34x)
Parse+ToString+Edit561ms +- 940µs119ms +- 180µs (4.5x)113ms +- 185µs (5x)
Parse+ToString+Edit+Export1460ms +- 22.9ms251ms +- 1.60ms (6x)206ms +- 360µs (7x)

Next Steps for Loro

Loro Version Controller

Importing Loro Git Repo into Loro Version Controller

Loro's performance on a single document is now sufficient to cover the real-time collaboration and version management needs of most documents. So our next step will be to explore real-time collaboration and version control across a collection of documents.

We believe that CRDTs can create a Git for Everyone and Everything:

  • It's for Everyone because by leveraging the power of CRDTs, we can make version control much easier to reason about and use for the average person.
  • It's (nearly) for Everything because Loro provides a rich set of data synchronization types. We're no longer limited to synchronizing plain text data, but can solve semantic automatic merging of JSON-like schema, which can meet most needs of creative tools and collaborative tools.

We've created a demo of the Loro version controller, which is based on our sub-document implementation (implemented in the application layer) with Version information. It can import the entire React repository (about 20,000 commits, thousands of collaborators), and it supports real-time collaboration on such repositories. However, how to better manage versions and seamlessly integrate with Git still needs to be explored.

Loro CRDTs still have significant room for optimization in these scenarios. Currently, the Loro CRDTs library doesn't involve network or disk I/O, which enhances its ease of use but also constrains its capabilities and potential optimizations.
For example, while we've implemented block-level storage, documents are still imported and exported as whole units. Adding I/O capabilities to selectively load/save blocks would enable significant performance optimizations.


Loro 1.0 features great performance improvements, rich CRDT types, and advanced version control features. Our optimized document format has yielded promising results on the import speed and the memory usage.

Now that Loro CRDTs are stable, we are able to develop a better ecosystem. We're excited to see it being applied in various scenarios. If you're interested in using Loro, welcome to join our Discord community (opens in a new tab) for discussions.